Molecular Imaging Molecular Imaging Integrated Project (EU)
June 07-08, 2007
Universidad SEK (Segovia, Spain)
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Molecular Imaging

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3rd Molecular Imaging Internal Meeting- MIIM2007 - Posters
Udo Birk (Kirchhoff Institut für Physik, Germany)
The Vertico-SMI – Analysing Nuclear Nanostructures In-Vivo
Luis Blanco (ICMM-CSIC, Spain)
Resonant photonic forces induced by light transmitted through nanoapertures
Remi Carminati (Ecole Centrale Paris-CNRS, France)
Statistical Properties of Single Molecule Fluorescence in Disordered Media
Amanda Cobos Correa (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany)
FRET probes to monitor the activity of lung-damaging proteinases in cystic fibrosis
Andrea Erlbruch (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany)
Live cell imaging of annexin translocation induced by microneedle puncture and laser nanosurgery
Niels Galjart (Erasmus MC - Cell Biology, Netherlands)
Keeping in Shape with Cytoplasmic Linker Proteins>
Arunima Ganguli (Perkin Elmer, United Kingdom)
Photoswitching and vesicle tracking applications using the spinning disk live cell imaging system
Jonathan Hares (Kentech Instruments Ltd, United Kingdom)
Developments in High Speed Imaging devices suitable for real time FLIM and similar applications
Romain Pierrat (Ecole Centrale Paris-CNRS, France)
Influence of scattering anisotropy on dynamic diffuse reflection light
José Rino (Instituto de Medicina Molecular)
Real Time Microscopy of mRNA Splicing
Enrique Sahagun (Univ. Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
Use of Hydrophobicity as Contrast Source in Atomic Force Microscopy
Jens Stein (University of Bern, Switzerland)
In vivo analysis of lymphocyte trafficking using multiphoton microscopy and optical
projection tomography
Pontus Svenmarker (Lund University, Sweden)
Multispectral prereconstruction information enhancing fluorescence molecular tomography

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