Untitled Document
Organised by:
PHANTOMS Foundation
In association with:
NaPa Integrated Project
Network of Excellence in the area of Nanophotonics and Molecular Photonics
Student grants  
Last Updated 9 June, 2006

Graduate assistantships are available to allow students performing graduate work at European Institutions to participate at the upcoming International Conference "Ultimate Lithography and Nanofabrication for Electronics and Life Science" (LITHO2006). To be eligible, students must be actively pursuing a PhD degree and must be in good standing with their department.

To apply for grants, please submit a short letter of support from your thesis advisor.

15 student grants (covering the student registration fee - conference dinner not included) will be available for this event.

For any question regarding available student grants, please contact:

Dr. Antonio Correia
Phantoms Foundation, Spain
E-mail: antonio@phantomsnet.net
Fax: +34 91 4973471

© Phantoms Foundation 2006