
The central information point of the Phantoms Foundation is its implemented website (, a crucial source of information related to the nanotechnology field, receiving around 10.000 visits a month. Other Phantoms Foundation dissemination channels include: E-Nano Newsletter (three monthly printed magazine), distributed:

- Among 1000 European Research groups.

- In International events (Nanotech Japan, Taiwan Nano, Rusnanotech, ImagineNano, TNT Trends in Nanotechnology, Nanospain, Graphene)

- Free WEB-based pdf version to download.

Download Advertising Rates

We offer you the opportunity to include an advertisement of your company in the Phantoms Foundation related dissemination channels to promote your products in the Nanoscience & Nanotechnology community.

Currently, 5 companies/institutions are using the Phantoms Foundation distribution channels to advertise their products/activities: nanotech Japan, FEI Company, Raith GmbH, Dayfisa and American Elements.

Please find below the advertising opportunities to target readers of the E-Nano Newsletter published by the Foundation.

Who will read your advert
  • Nanotechnology community
  • Scientists
  • Companies
  • Governmental Institutions
  • etc.

  Option 1: Featured Company
  Option 2: Featured Company Plus
  Option 3: Company Banner
  Option 4: E-Nano Newsletter - 1 page advert
  Option 5: E-Nano Newsletter - 1/2 page advert
  Option 6: E-Nano Newsletter - 1/4 page advert
  Option 7: E-Nano Newsletter - Spotlight

Option 1:
Featured Company
Your Company Logo Banner on the Phantoms Foundation homepage: 1000 Euros. This option also includes:
Option 2: Featured Company Plus
This option is similar to option 1 but includes 4 one page full colour adverts in the E-Nano Newsletter (4 printed issues): 1500 Euros

Option 3:
Company banner
Your Company Logo Banner on the Phantoms Foundation homepage: 600 Euros..
This option includes a quarter web page description of the company (products, contact details, news, press releases, etc.)..

Option 4: E-Nano Newsletter - 1 page advert full colour*
Your Company advert in the E-Nano Newsletter:
1 page ad / 4 issues: 700 Euros
1 page ad / 2 issues: 500 Euros
1 page ad / 1 issue: 400 Euros

Option 5: E-Nano Newsletter - 1/2 page advert full colour*
Your Company advert in the E-Nano Newsletter:
1/2 page ad / 4 issues: 600 Euros
1/2 page ad / 2 issues: 400 Euros
1/2 page ad / 1 issue: 300 Euros

Option 6: E-Nano Newsletter - 1/4 page advert full colour*
Your Company advert in the E-Nano Newsletter:
1/4 page ad / 4 issues: 500 Euros
1/4 page ad / 2 issues: 300 Euros
1/4 page ad / 1 issue: 200 Euros

Option 7: E-Nano Newsletter - Spotlight*
Your Company advert in the E-Nano Newsletter:
1/4 page ad / 4 issues: 300 Euros
1/4 page ad / 2 issues: 150 Euros
1/4 page ad / 1 issue: 100 Euros

*Adverts in Black and White: 15% discount


Full page Half Horizontal Half Vertical Quarter Spotlight
216 x 154 mm 113 x 80 mm 54 x 168 mm 113 x 42 mm Ask for details


  • Adverts must be supplied by advertisers..
  • Submission requirements: electronic image files (jpeg, gif, tif, bmp, png).
  • Minimum 300 dpi.
  • Rates do not include VAT (21%)


  • E-Nano Newsletter advert: Inside pages.
  • Advertsin Black&White15% discountapplies..
  • Specified positions (including inside front page, inside back cover and back page of the E-Nano Newsletter), please add 20% to the advertisement rates..


For more details on advertising, please contact us by E-mail.


© Phantoms Foundation 2024