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Organised by:
PHANTOMS Foundation
Spanish National Research Council 
Universidad SEK, Spain
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia
Junta de Castilla y Leon
NANOTEC Electrónica
Last Updated May 19, 2005

Student Grants

Some grants are available to allow students performing graduate work to present a contribution at the upcoming "8th European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics". To be eligible, students must be actively pursuing a PhD degree and must be in good standing with their department.

To apply for travel funds, please submit a two-page abstract of the subject you will present at the conference. Also, include a short letter of support from your thesis advisor. Preference will be given to students nearing completion of their thesis work.

The following students have received a grant:
 Aude Bailly CNRS-Laboratoire de Cristallographie, France
 Javier Cordon UPV-EHU, Spain
 Matthias Loffler Lehrstuhl fürFestkorperphysik, Germany
 Eduardo Machado ICMAB-CSIC, Spain
 Juan Rubio-Zuazo CRG Spanish Beamline Spline at the ESRF , France
 Ankur Saxena University of Calgary, Canada
 Gilberto Teobaldi Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Italy
For any questions regarding available Student Grants please contact:
Dr. Antonio Correia
PHANTOMS Foundation, Spain
E-mail: antonio@phantomsnet.net
Fax: +34 91 4973471
© Phantoms Foundation 2004