
Computing inside a single molecule using atomic scale technologies (Pico-Inside)

  Unit 01: Architecture
Coordinator: C. Joachim
E-mail: joachim@cemes.fr
Fax: +33 5 62257999

  Unit 02: Intramolecular Phenomena and Atomic Scale Interconnects
Coordinators: L. Grill and M. Reichling
E-mail: leonhard.grill@physik.fu-berlin.de / reichling@uos.de
Fax: +49 30 838 51355 / +49 541 969 12264

  Unit 03: Atomic Scale Technology
Coordinator: E. Meyer
E-mail: Ernst.Meyer@unibas.ch
Fax: +41 61 267 3784

  Unit 04: The Chemistry
Coordinator: A. Gourdon
E-mail: gourdon@cemes.fr
Fax: +33 5 62257999

  Unit 05: Theory on Single Molecule on Surface
Coordinators: L. Kantorovich and X. Bouju
E-mail: lev.kantorovitch@kcl.ac.uk / Xavier.Bouju@cemes.fr
Fax: +44 20 7679 1360 / +33 5 62257999

  Unit 06: Dissemination
Coordinator: A. Correia
E-mail: antonio@phantomsnet.net
Fax: +34 91 4973471